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About Goats

Goats are amazing animals known for their agility, curious nature, and adorable bleats!

Fun Facts


Goats have been humanity's partners in mischief for thousands of years, dating back to their domestication around 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent. While early humans were busy inventing farming, goats were perfecting the art of eating literally anything within reach, from weeds to ancient scrolls (probably). These four-legged comedians quickly earned a reputation as resourceful escape artists and connoisseurs of chaos, thriving in environments ranging from rocky mountainsides to backyard gardens they weren’t supposed to be in. Historically, they’ve provided milk, meat, and wool—but let’s be honest, their real contribution has been their ability to turn any serious moment into an unexpected headbutt or a bleat that sounds suspiciously like laughter.

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